Waleisah was a panel expert on Restorative Action Alliance's webinar to discuss restorative practices in the faith community.
11/18/24- Our founder was guest panelist on the issue of the faith community's role in supporting families impacted by sex registries

We welcomed our board member, Tabatha Trammell for a screening of her new film "Mama, I'm Different".
11/14/24- Hosted virtual screening & discussion on mental illness & substance use disorder

In partnership with our partners at Fair Count, board member, Andrea, led a canvassing team to encourage voters to vote on Nov. 5th.
11/2/24- Canvassed in Columbus, GA with Fair Count to Get Out the Vote

In partnership with our partners at Fair Count, board member, Andrea, led a canvassing team and provided voter outreach in Muscogee County.
10/26/24- Canvassed with Fair Count in Columbus, GA

Board members, Shanequa & Sharon G., engaged with local Atlanta citizens and provided voter education and encouraged them to vote on the 5th
10/26/24- Provided Education & Conducted Get Out The Vote Activities at ATL's Vote in My Honor Rally

Board member, Irma, led a canvassing team and provided voter outreach to over 150 Muscogee Country voters in less than 3 hours!
10/19/24- Canvassed with Fair Count in Columbus, GA

In partnership with Southern Center for Human Rights, Women on the Rise, NO HARM & Woman with a Plan.
10/17/24- Co-Hosted Hapeville, GA Dinner & Introduction to Restorative Justice Event for Formerly Incarcerated Mothers

In partnership with New Horizons Behavioral Health
9/27/24- Invited to Table at Columbus, GA Recovery on The River community resource fair

EMI GA Network hosted a screening & discussion of Waleisah's film, "Working in Captivity: A Woman's Quest to End Slavery in Georgia"
9/22/24- In person screening of our founder's film that focuses on ending prison labor in Georgia

Waleisah was invited to moderate a panel on the criminalization of disability and its intersection with voter disenfranchisement.
9/10/24- Our founder moderated a New Disabled South Panel

In her role as the Board Chair of Restore Georgia, Waleisah, spoke about criminal justice reform policies on sex offenses.
8/15/24- Our founder was a panelist at NACDL's 23rd Annual State Criminal Justice Network Conference

GJP gave an overview of voting with a felony in Georgia, how to get a pardon and how to request early termination of probation.
7/30/24- Reclaim Your Vote: Voting with a Felony in Georgia & Early Probation Termination (in partnership with GA Justice Project)

To address the disparity of access to education for people impacted by the criminal legal system and/or returning home from incarceration.
7/24/24- Reentry & Education Focus Group & Discussion (in partnership with DeKalb Co. Library)

Annual event is to emphasize the importance of formerly incarcerated people being in community with others with shared, lived experiences.
7/20/24- Dinner & Fellowship- Formerly Incarcerated People & Families

Addressed lack of resources for formerly incarcerated elders, Trans, Living with mental illness/substance use & on the registry.
7/17/24- Hosted Webinar on the Challenges to Reentry for Special Populations

We partnered with Blessings Working Together to provide grocery assistance (and voter education) to individuals and families in need.
7/5/24- Grocery Giveaway in Douglasville, GA

We partnered with Fair Count and VoteRiders to kickoff our 8th Annual GA Reentry Awareness Month events.
7/1/24- Voter Education in Columbus, GA

We received our 8th proclamation from the GA Governor to honor the month of July as Reentry Awareness Month throughout the state.
JULY 2024- We hosted our month-long 8th Annual Reentry Awareness Month Events

June 23, 2024. Waleisah delivered the Sunday keynote "Where's the Mercy? Balancing Justice and Common Sense"
6/23/24- Our founder delivers NARSOL conference keynote speech

From prison to purpose! Board Director, Dena Dickerson, was honored with honorary doctorate of humanitarianism from Morehouse College.
6/22/24- Board Director get honorary doctorate from Morehouse College

Board members, Waleisah, Chay and Shanequa provided voter education and voting restoration info to formerly incarcerated community members.
6/15/24- Provided Voter Education at New GA Project's F.I.R.E. event in ATL (Mechanicville)

Franklin, TN. 2024 Nat'l Association for Reentry Professionals to strategize on reentry strategies, voter engagement & basebuilding.
4/16-4/18 Chay attends NARP conference

Chay finished the Safe Housing Network training that prepares people and organizations on creating safe reentry housing programs.
4/17- Chay in Chicago to advocate for housing

We partnered with several Columbus and Atlanta based orgs to host a voter education event to give info on voting and accessing the polls.
4/10/24- Voter Ed in Columbus, GA

Shanequa attended the Housing First Partners Conference in Atlanta to discuss strategies on prioritizing housing.
4/8-4/11- Shanequa Advocates for Housing

Chay attended the National Returning Citizens Conference.
4/5-5/6- Chay goes to Arlington, VA

Chay connected with many justice impacted people in VA Kemba Smith, Fox Rich & DeAnna Hoskins.
Chay, Fox, Kemba & DeAnna

Columbus, GA. Board Directors, Andez and Andrea, tabled at a resource fair to share our services and info about voting with a felony.
4/4/24- Andez & Andrea Provide Voter Education

Chay is now a member of JustLeadership USA's JustUS Coordinating Council, a national collective of systems-impacted individuals & allies.
3/13/24- Chay Goes to D.C.